Since its inception, INES Consulting Engineers has worked in collaboration with the Railway Infrastructures Administrator ADIF in different railway engineering fields related to the preservation and maintenance of assets in service, both in line sections and bridges, earthworks and tunnels. The executed operations may be classified by type and grouped into the following categories:
Works have taken place over the past 15 years throughout the Spanish territory, which has made it possible to gain an insight into the singularities of the railway industry in relation to its infrastructure and operation, the amount of assets to be managed, the life cycle of each asset, the definition of projects, maintenance strategies and available resources of each stage.
The performed activities fall within the framework of design and construction areas, engineering and innovation, operations (traffic and maintenance), protection and operational safety, environment and assets management. The experience in these tasks has enabled to develop RDI projects in collaboration with the UIC (International Union of Railways), taking part in the implementation of innovation projects and opening lines of research aimed at finding advanced technological solutions to optimize the use of railway lines and training and innovation programs intended to modernize the existing structures, achieving an effective maintenance, improving services and minimizing the risks inherent to their condition.
Calle Núñez de Balboa, 120
28006 Madrid
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