Grenada is an island country in the West Indies in the Caribbean Sea at the southern end of the Grenadines island chain. Grenada is of volcanic origin and it is located on the southern edge of the hurricane belt, therefore being subject to a significant seismic activity, hurricanes and tropical storms.
The project objetive was to replace two existing bridges that provided connectivity to the north city of Gouyave, by allowing crossing the river with the same name as the city, which divides this one in two. The decision of replacing the existing bridges was taken after experiencing the failure of one of Lance bridge piers as consequence of a flashflood ocurred due to a tropical storm. Besides not collapsing the bridge, the situation was precarious and the Government of Grenada (GoG) requested funding from the World Bank for their replacement.
Two reinforced concrete bridges spanning the entire riberbed were designed. The hydraulic capacity was significantly increased by not using a solution with piers and by raising the road layout, while a specific riprap solution was defined for protecting the abutments from scouring. To ensure the foundation, due to the difficulty of implementing a deep foundation, this one was substituted by steel rods embedded in the soil, which improved the quality of the terrain in which the superficial foundation leans on. Seismic activity was taken in consideration by playing with the geometry of the deck to implement a solution that would not allow transversal movements, while longitudinal movements were caught with a fix support. Two footbridges were designed together with the bridges to be used while the bridges were under construction to allow continuous pedestrian access.
The main challenges during the construction supervision could be summarized in:
Calle Núñez de Balboa, 120
28006 Madrid
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