INES Ingenieros Consultores is certified under the regulations of UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 (Quality), UNE 166002:2021 (R&D&i), UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015 (Environment) and ISO 45001:2018 (Health and Safety at Work).

INES Quality, Environment and Health and Safety at Work policy consists in delivering projects that comply with the applicable technical and environmental rules and regulations and OSH standards, as well as meeting the expectations of the client by complying with the terms of the contract or order specifications within a strong commitment with the protection and conservation of the environment.

Due to our company activity —design of buildings and civil engineering structures, maintenance, preservation and operation engineering (inspection, monitoring, assessment of structures in service, repair and expansion projects of existing structures) and the structural engineering innovation projects—, we have a direct contact with nature. We are therefore especially sensitive with the environmental protection and the need to preserve the natural resources in order to achieve a sustainable development.

We have a strong commitment to meeting our quality and environmental goals, aiming to continuous improvements in the services provided while reducing the impact of our operations on the environment and committing to respect our operation area.

To carry out all the above explained, INES management emphasizes on the following aspects:

  • Consider the commitment with the client a priority task, and meet the specific needs of the client.
  • Take the necessary steps to deliver the demanded products by the client following the company profitability criteria.
  • Establish processes to guarantee all the above indicated, and take into account that a respectful behavior towards the environment and a constant improvement of the mentioned processes are integral part of the team.
  • An everlasting commitment to comply with the law and environmental and health and safety standards at all levels, as well as meeting every particular arrangement held with our stakeholders.
  • Meet the UNE 166002:2014 standard requirements and promote RDI projects related to the structures’ operation and the preservation of the Spanish historical-industrial patrimony.
  • Promote cooperation with foreign entities to achieve a high level of knowledge, technological applications and their implementation on our works.
  • Establish a RDI results protection and exploitation methodology, led to improve our company’s competitiveness and market position.
  • Ensuring the internal and external communication with clients, the administration and stakeholders regarding any element of the Management System.
  • Develop a policy of continuous improvement for our company, establishing annual improvements in order to upgrade the quality of our products and our efforts in environmental and health and safety at work issues.
  • Motivate the team members, promote training programs in connection with their particular professional and technical fields, as well as general environmental and health and safety at work issues, providing the necessary knowledge to accomplish their job from an environmentally respectful approach, under health and safety conditions, and aiming to satisfy not only our clients expectations, but also our company’s internal needs.
  • Promote the conservation of resources by recycling and re-using, and seek to reduce the use of raw material, energy and water on the processes.
  • Perform the work at the first attempt, as a permanent attitude of everyone at all times and focus our efforts to prevent mistakes. Prevention is better than cure.
  • Prevent and reduce contamination to the extent possible whilst performing our works, taking all the available measures in order to prevent accidents involving environmental damages or to minimize their effects.
  • Ensure that the facilities are in perfect condition and provide the appropriate equipment to comply with the activities and purposes of the company, avoiding hazards and mitigating any occupational health and safety risk.
  • Regularly monitoring the employees’ health based on the specific risks associated to their position and providing safe and healthy working conditions for injury prevention and work-related health deterioration.
  • Make the prevention plan, risk assessment and preventive activity planning at the disposal of the employees, according to article 16.1 of the Law 31/1995, and inform all employees about the existing general and specific risks.
  • Facilitate that the employees make enquiries and are engaged in the company’s Occupational Health and Safety policy and are able to select the participation and representation bodies provided by the law.
  • Have this policy at public disposal.


INES Ingenieros Consultores General Manager.

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